How to Reinforce a Bed Frame
There is nothing worse than a weak and noisy bed frame, that squeaks thereby compromising the quality of your sleep each night. Rather than spend several hundred dollars or more on a new bed, you can get a new one by reinforcing your current bed frame. Thus, this means that you can make it much more sturdy, supportive, and quieter when in use. Below are some few techniques to help reinforce your bed frame:
Reinforcing your Bed Frame
Various factors come into play when fixing the bed, such as the specific issues affecting the bed functionality. Below are some few techniques you can use to remedy the problem:
- Tighten the screws – the first step is to double-check the individual slats in the bed, and ensure nothing is loose, even the legs. Issues such as loose screws and bolts are common complications associated with wobbly or squeaky beds. That said, the good news is that it's easy to repair by just tightening up the screws with a wrench.
- Reconnect joints – if you have a wooden bed frame, you can reconnect the joints that have changed position over time. Issues such as separated bed frame joints can easily have serious side effects on the structure of the bed frame. Common problems include wobbling and swaying. Place cloth on both sides of the joint, to stop any possible damage to the bed. You can also ask a family member to help hold the frame in position. Get a mallet, and gently hammer the joints together, and repeat this process for any other remaining joints.
- If you have a bed frame that was previously connected, place a cloth around each section of the joint and apply wood glue to the interior part. Then, get a hammer and gently hit the joints together. Use a tool such as a clamp to hold the bed frame as it dries safely. Repeat this process for other disconnected joints you may have.
- Add slats – for those who have a basic run of the mill bed frame, which has a supportive center beam, installing slats will make the bed much more stable. Plus, it will also help stop issues such as mattress sagging, which ensures the bed can accommodate the extra weight.
The steps involved in fixing include:
1. Measure the inner width of the bed frame to determine the length of the new slats
2. Then, get a pencil and mark the length on a 1x4 ft wooden board. Next, get a hand saw and use it to cut off any excessive wood
3. Repeat steps one and two to make another wood slat. Also, if you are not an effective handyman, get your measurements to the closest hardware store such as Home Depot. They can help you cut the wood into proper dimensions.
4. Put one board on the right section of the center beam, and the other on the left part. It should sit about 2 feet away from the middle bar of the frame.
5. Get a power drill and use it to secure the wooden plants to the inner lip section of your bed frame.
Replacing A Supportive Center Beam
If you suspect the center beam to be the only lousy component of your bed frame, you can get rid of it and replace it with a component that will offer added support. The steps involved include:
1. Unscrew the center beam from your bed frame
2. Measure the width of the inner bed frame from side to side, so that you can come with the length of the new center beam
3. Measure the distance from the floor to the bottom section of the center beam. Then, determine the length of the new support leg
4. Get a pencil and use it to mark the new center beam measurement, preferably on a 1x5 wooden board. Then get a saw to cut the wooden board, and take the measurements to a hardware store. Get a professional to cut the piece of wood conveniently.
5. Repeat the above step for the new support leg, and use a 5x5 block of wood
6. Put the cut woodblock underneath the center beam, and ensure it also sits directly at the center. Then, drill two wood screws in the block, and ensure it passes through the top section of the plywood center beam. Such a design will help secure the wood together.
7. Get a power drill and use it to secure each end of the center beam to the bed frame.
How to Fix A Broken Bed Frame
If you are dealing with a broken bed frame because it's not supportive enough, you will be pleased to know that there are many excellent solutions available. It’s a common bed problem and often occurs on the horizontal grain lines on the ends of the frame. If this is the case, consult your DIY skills and follow these steps:
1. Once you remove the mattress from the bed frame, get a screwdriver and use it to expand the split from the interior section of the frame. Remember to leave all the slats in place as you do this. Once it's split, remove any excessive wood chips and splinters.
2. Then, get some wood glue and apply it down the length of the split on the frame. Apply it around the crack, and use a flat head knife because its convenient.
3. Get a bar clamp to force the two ends of the split together, and ensure you tighten it until glue spills from the crack. Leave on the frame for a few hours for the glue to dry.
4. Next, you will have to ensure the frame and the joints are well connected. On the following day, when the glue is dry, measure the length of the split from the central section of the frame, and add 6 inches to the structure.
5. Then, measure the width of the bed frame
6. Get a table saw and cut a strip of ½ scrap wood such as plywood, and ensure its compatible with the measurements you had taken.
7. Drill holes into the scrap pieces of wood, on average 2 inches apart and use the 3/16” but drill. Remember to keep the holes staggered and avoid producing them in a straight line
8. Apply some wood glue to one section of the scrap wood. Then, put it on the central part over the split. Drill 1-inch screws into the pilot holes, and allow the frame to dry overnight before you put your bed back on it.
How to Raise A Bed Frame Off the Floor
There is something safe and cozy about owning an elevated bed. Many people prefer to raise the beds to have added space underneath, while some prefer to get in and out bed with a more generous height level. Whatever your preferences today we are going to focus on how to raise your bed frame off the floor. The critical technique will be the use of bed risers. Plus, we also have several other excellent alternatives for you to consider.
Does the Height of Your Bed Matter?
Naah! A better question at this point would be,” how easy is it for a short person such as your child to get off a 30-inch high bed.” The height of your bed is directly correlated to factors such as your age, height, and weight of the children. The elderly or children don’t require elevated beds. However, for others that have reduced mobility, a higher bed frame will make it easy to get in and out of bed.
You may have to adjust the height of your bed accordingly to suit you if you are tall or short. Finding the correct bed height for your needs involves testing, through sitting at the edge of the bed. When your feet are flat against the floor, and your knees form a straight angle, while also aligning you're hips – then the bed size is right. That said, if your knees elevate above the hips, then the bed is excessively low.
Alternatively, if your feet don’t reach the floor when you sit on the edge of the bed, this means the bed is excessively high.
Thus, what will you do if you are short and have a tall partner? The solution, in this case, would be to go for a tall bed that has a handy step. Such a unique structure will make it easy to customize and blend the bed with your room décor. You can also go for a Japanese style bed that has a low profile structure.
How to Install Bed Risers
To make this process simpler, it would be great if you would ask a family member for some assistance for the procedure. Why? Well, because it’s a process that involves heavy lifting. You may have to remove the mattress and bed frame so that you can set up new risers, so every bit of help is welcome.
The steps involved include:
1. Start by removing all the sheets and the mattress from the bed frame. Ensure you place the mattress in a clean place, to avoid making it dirty. Its highly recommended that you cover the frame using a sheet, and lean it against a wall. Such a process will make it easy to grab and place it back afterward.
2. Lift one section of the bed frame corners, and put a riser underneath. Then, guide the leg of the bed, and ensure it fits in the central section of the rise. Get a DIY friend to help you at this point. Either of you can lift the frame, as the other put the riser underneath it. When the hole or indent on the top of the riser is aligned with the bed, you can lower the frame slowly. Ensure the two pieces stay connected, and in the correct position.
3. Repeat this process as described in the second stage for each post of your bed. Usually, a bed has four of them, but it may also differ depending on factors such as the type of bed frame. Ensure that each time you connect the bedpost with the rise, check to ensure they are fixed correctly in place. Any misfit can compromise the positioning of the bed frame.
4. Once you secure all bed risers in place, get the mattress and place it back on the bed frame. Double-check to ensure the risers are sturdy and well-positioned.
Bed Risers Innovative Alternatives
For those of you who have the time, space, and budget, there are many techniques you can use to raise a bed frame, rather than purchase or make DIY bed risers. Bear with us for a few more minutes, because there are some options here you may like:
- The best aspect of wooden pallets is that they are versatile. Not only can you use them to lift a bed frame, but you can also paint it in several creative ways. More so, it’s a unique structure that will add a touch of color to the bedroom.
- Instead of using a bed riser, you can also make a completely new workspace underneath the bed. You can add resources such as a chair, shelves, a desk, and small bookcases. Yes, there are many techniques you can use to make the most of your personal space underneath the bed.
- How would it feel to sleep suspended, and with a bed that has style? Rather than using all types of objects to raise a bed frame, you can have it levitate for ease of use. That said, you may have to be careful because it’s a project for those who have proper DIY skills.
How to Put Together A Bed Frame
Assembling a wooden bed frame can be a simple process if you have the right resources. The steps involved include:
1. The first step is to separate the back and the front frame. On most beds, the back piece is often the larger piece, when compared to the front portion.
2. Put the backside of the frame at a section of the room, and the front side of the opposite section. The unfinished part of each bed piece should face upwards. The finished section is the side that faces away from the bed, while the side that faces the interior often has an unfinished structure.
3. Put the sides of the frame on either section of the front or back pieces. Put the left-hand section of the frame on the left-hand part of the bed. Also, put the right-hand side of the frame on the right-hand section of your bed. Similar to the front and back sections, the unfinished part of the piece should face to the interior of the bed.
4. Insert two screws to the left side screw holes of the back section. The screws should pass through from the finished section to the unfinished section. Repeat this step on the right section of the back piece, and all the sides of the front part.
5. Pickup the left part of the frame. Place it on the left section of the backpiece, such that the screws come out from the back piece, and into the holes on the unfinished part of the left side section.
6. Connect the nuts to each of the screws that protrude from the bed. Next, tighten the nuts slightly, and not completely.
7. Repeat the previous two steps on all the sides of the frame, until it is fully assembled, but don’t tighten the nuts completely
8. Hold one end of either of the nuts with pliers or an adjustable wrench. Then, tighten the screw fully by using an Allen wrench. The best would be a Phillips head or a flat head screwdriver, depending on the screw that's available with your kit. Plus, fully tighten all the screws in the frame using the same technique. Avoid over tightening as the nuts may start carving into the wood.
9. Next, put cross beams on the bed frame by laying across the space between the long sections of the bed. Remember that not all bed frames come with crossbeams.
How to Fix a Squeaky Bed Frame
Between our busy schedules, noisy kids or neighbors, and caffeine, the last thing that should be keeping you awake at night is a squeaky bed. While it may not have been noticeable at first, over time, it progressed to the point that you can turn without hearing the dreaded sound. Trust us; we have all come across such a problem. That is why we are here to guide you through the process of fixing a squeaky bed frame.
The first step is to identify the source of all the noise. It’s the first and most crucial step. After that, we shall guide you through several options available for getting rid of squeaking beds. It all depends on the source of the noise.
How to Determine If Your Bed is Making Noise
The first step is to determine the source of the noise. Usually, it comes from various sources such as the box spring, the frame, or the mattress. To do this, you may have to separate the different bed items and inspect them individually. Hopefully, you will have sufficient space to examine each of these components. If not, examine them individually, and take your mattress to a different room for ease of inspection.
Let's start with the most critical factor to consider the mattress. Mattresses will rarely produce any noises, and only the hybrid types may produce noise. Why? Well, they consist of coils that will produce noise when in use. It's unusual for an all foam mattress to make any noise. Anyway, take the mattress and place it on the floor.
Next, get your kids or perhaps jump on it to determine if it will produce any noise when in use. Some bed brands, such as Nest Bedding or DreamCloud, provide consumers with unlimited warranties. If your bed is not covered under warranty anymore, it might mean its to get a new one. You can perform some additional research to find a suitable mattress type for your needs. If getting one is not easy, flip over the mattress and cut it open to check for any issues that you can repair DIY.
If it's not the mattress, then you might have to check the box spring. The box spring is among the most popular sources of bed squeaks. Just as you did with the mattress, place the box spring on the floor, and roll around it. If you come across any noise, then it's likely an old spring or wood rubbing against some item. If it's such an issue, then consider getting a new box spring.
Even if there is a squeak from the box spring, consider checking the frame as well. Start the process by placing pressure on different sections of the bed frame, and shake it lightly. This process might include checking all four parts, the bases, and the headboard. If you have a four-poster bed, ensure you check the overhead too. If it produces any noise, then you have a few options available for your needs.
Repairing a Squeaky Bed
- Tighten it up – check all around the bed frame to check if the metalware holding it together is compromised. In some cases, this is all it takes to repair the bed frame. You may also want to get a screwdriver or wrench to make things easy. Also, consider adding washers to make the bed much steadier.
- Lubricate – take some WD40 oil or beeswax and apply it to parts that you think produce too much friction when in use. You may have to apply several coats. You will find the oil or the beeswax at a local store. If you don’t have access to either of these resources, consider using the traditional candle wax.
- Add padding. Get some old socks and T-shirts, then lay them on top of the slats on your bed frame. It’s a process that will help make a barrier between the wood and the mattress, or the metal bed frame. Thus, you won't experience excessive friction between these components. Any such friction between these components can lead to a significant amount of noise. Plus, you can also get a cork to fill in the empty spaces in the wooden bed frame, where the mattress or box spring can have some friction.
- Check the feet – the noise might be coming from the footing structure of the bed, which rubs on the floor, particularly if its made using hardwood. Such an issue can even scratch your floors. It could be that the legs of the bed are not equally sized, which causes the bed to be unstable. Consider getting some furniture pads on Amazon. These are components that will help reduce friction or rubbing. You can even use the extra old clothes or socks that we mentioned previously.
- Purchase a new bed frame – if you have tried the above techniques, and you cant still stop the squeaking, it might be time to get a new bed frame. For those who are shopping for the best bed frames on a budget, you can get quality brands when you have adequate information.
- Reinforce the foundation – if you have an RV mattress or an instance where the bed might have a strong structure, you may have to get additional supports. The best would be cinder blocks or plywood. If all these techniques fail, and you don’t know how to get a new bed frame, you could return your early days in life and just rest on the floor.
How to Fix A Broken Bed Frame
Box springs and mattresses often cost thousands of dollars, usually with a cheap frame under it. As such, it's no surprise that they are prone to breaking or damage. The antique bed frames have much more solid builds when compared to modern beds. That said, they are still prone to issues such as attrition. Bed frames absorb a large amount of force, and if they can accommodate it, it's easy to repair.
Cracks and splits are the most common bed problems and may develop if the bed does not have the correct support. A split will typically occur along the horizontal grain lines on either end or side of the bed frame. You can fix it using some clamps, scrap wood, and glue.
The steps involved include:
1. Put a screwdriver into the crack from the central section of the bed, and expand it slightly. Then, clean out any splinters or chips as required with a utility knife.
2. With the tip of a glue bottle, put some glue into the split on your bed. Get a thin blade of a putty knife, and apply the glue, and ensure you fill it in the crack.
3. Place the bar clamps across the frame, and tighten it until glue comes out of the crack you had opened earlier. Clamps are also an excellent option but won't provide the same efficiency as a bar clamp. Let the clamps sit on the frame overnight.
4. Then, measure the length of the split on the central section, and add 6 inches to this unit. Next, measure the width of the frame. Get a table, miter saw, and cut a strip of ⅓ inch plywood. Almost any type of plywood will work well for these measurements.
5. Predrill the scrap pieces with a 3/16-inch bit and drill/drive. Consider placing the holes randomly about 2.5 inches apart. Then, stagger the screw holes, such that won't line up with each other.
6. Get some glue and apply it to one section of the scrap plywood. Put it over the split on the central section. Place 1-inch screws through the plywood, by using the pilot holes. Let the frame dry overnight before you start using the bed.
7. Mortise and tenon joints, which are common on antique beds, can loosen up, and you can reinforce them by using metal brackets. More so, the frame may have had brackets installed when still new from the store. You can repair them by detaching the brackets, repairing the joint, and getting the brackets replaced.
8. Get a drill or screwdriver, and unscrew the screws that hold the metal brackets to the bed. Usually, the metal brackets are folded pieces of metal, that exist on each corner of the interior of the bed frame. If the bed has brackets, they should be screwed on top of the tenon and mortise joints.
9. Evaluate the joints. The tenon and mortise joints have the same appearance as a square block on a single piece. The piece is usually placed into a lost, on a secondary part. Get a rubber mallet to tap off the apart if you find they are loose. Then, you can also remove the dried glue by using a chisel. If it's not loose, then never take them apart.
10. The next step is to measure the tenon. Get a pair of scissors, and cut the two pieces tapes of wood. Glue the wood tape to the tenon, to provide it with an improved width. If the joint is excessively sloppy, then get two pieces of wood tape and place it on either side of the tenon.
11. Apply glue liberally to the crack on which you will place the tenon. The next step is to reassemble the frame and get a rubber mallet to pound it securely together.
12. Change the position of the brackets, such as the holes of the old screws won’t match up with the first holes in the brackets. Get a drill and screw the brackets on with the original screws. If they are stripped, use the new screws, but ensure they have the same length.
13. Replace any bad slats or any that are excessively shot. Get a drill and make a 3/16-inch pilot hole on either end. Then screw in the slats with 1 ½ inch screws, and ensure you leave one of all the ends of the slat. For added safety, get some glue and apply it to each slat.
14. If you can't, find an issue with the frame, and your bed sags, then the problem might be on the box springs. Most brands put cheap lumber around the bottom of their box spring products. In most cases, wider beds come with a center rail as well. If it gets damaged, the bed might become frail in the middle section. You can solve the problem by cutting one by two-inch pine strips. Then, pre-drill and screw them around the perimeter on the bottom section. Use a 5-inch piece, which you will screw to the center of the rail for optimal support. Never worry about the thin mesh covering on the bottom section. You just screw the pieces on top of it
How to Attach A Headboard to a Bed Frame
A standard frame might look simple, but it's fully equipped to accommodate any type of headboard. More so, a bed frame often has brackets that consist of four oblong slots or holes, with one sitting on top of the other.
These are perfect because they can accommodate several designs that let you raise the headboard a few inches high. Such a technique makes it easy for the bed frame to accommodate an extra-large mattress. The frame-mounted headboards, when compared to the wall-mounted types, are particularly handy when you want to angle your bed into a corner.
1. Put it mid-room or against a window. It's also great if you prefer not to drill holes in the wall each time you want to rearrange your room.
2. Pull the bed a few feet from the wall, such that you have adequate room for your work
3. Place the headboard in a position against the frame, and ensure the excellent side faces the bed. Then, center the legs of the headboard, with the brackets on the bed frame brackets. The holes on the legs of the best must be in alignment with at least two holes on each bracket for ease of mounting. Lift the headboard with some durable blocking, such a short stool. Ensure it's at the same height under each headboard leg, if required.
4. Position the headboard upright temporarily, by placing a heavy object, such as a bedside table on the headboard. It’s a technique that works well if you don’t have anyone around to help with the process.
5. Place a washer onto a bolt, which you will find the tools that come with the headboard. Then, insert the bolt through the bracket, and the compatible headboard leg hole. Place a washer onto the bolt if it comes out through to other sections of the leg.
6. Screw a nut onto the bolt, until it's perfectly tight. You will have to perform this process on the other remaining leg. Place the remaining bolts on each leg, using the same techniques as before. Remember to check if the headboard is still centered. Finally, get pliers or a wrench, and use it to tighten the bolts on the bed.